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11-10-04 // 10.32 am

somewhere your fingerprints remain concrete

NP: Dire Straits - On Every Street (just the song, I'd forgotten how beautiful a tune it is)

I'm at home right now burning a sick day. It's nice to know I can use them if I want to. It helps that I finished what I needed to finish yesterday before I left work.

My least favorite sound in the entire world is, without exaggeration or hyperbole, a crying baby. Of course, it's par for the course that the neighbors across the hall, with whom I share a rather long common wall, are playing host to one hell of a squalling baby. This thing cries constantly, which is after all what babies do, they can't help it at all, but it annoys the hell out of me since it doesn't sound like the parents/handlers are doing anything to try to calm it down.

My stomach and guts have been quite loud this morning, lots of gurgling and squonking. I suppose I need to eat something at some point. The fact that I've had a cup and a half of coffee on an empty stomach probably isn't helping things either.

I don't know what I'll do today, but it will likely involve reading more of the book I bought on Saturday, as well as continuing my season on FIFA '04. 10 games in and I'm 12th in the table -- if I were a real manager I'd have been fired by now. Maybe. I notcied that FIFA '05 just came out here, I need to pick that up and soon. Hopefully the designers will have seen fit to code St. James Park this time around, in FIFA '04 they have Newcastle playing in some eastern European looking oval stadium with a track around it.

Oh, and I'm definitely looking forward to spending some time with Erin this afternoon, as well.

Oh for the love of god, shut that baby up now. Feed it or comfort it or play with it or something. I wonder, is there such a thing as a no-children-allowed apartment complex? Like how some apt. buildings don't allow pets? If not, there should be.

then / now