in the city

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11-14-02 // 9.28 am

skip the subway, let's go to the overground

NP: U2 - "Zooropa"

A bit tired this morning, but it's purely my own fault, since we didn't get home from the movie till like quarter after midnight. Definitely one of those nights where it would've been nice to be back in college, and just be able to skip class in the morning, or at least sleep later than 7 o'clock in the morning.

Erin's had a headache off and on, with varying severity, over the past few days. I really, really hope she starts feeling better soon, they're just debilitating after a while, and I can't stand to see her in pain like that. I think part of it has to do with the fact that she's been sleeping oddly lately...either not being able to fall asleep, or waking up and not being able to fall back asleep, or having nightmares and getting woken up out of REM sleep, which is bad.

This morning, I mostly didn't nick myself shaving at all. Which is a bit rare for me, as I'm usually such a spaz. There's few things stupider than having to walk around for ten minutes or so with a piece of toilet paper held to various places on your face.

Last night, driving home from work, I witnessed the most striking sunset I think I've ever seen. Clouds were streaming in from the north...there were wispy cirrus clouds superimposed over dark stratus clouds. In tandem, the sun was setting in the west, which illuminated the southern edge of the stratus clouds, which were slightly cotton-y, almost like miniature cumulus clouds. In any case, the sun lit these clouds up in brilliant shades of orange and was like fire strewn out across the entire sky. It cast some of the ground in shadows, and lit up the rest like the surface of the sun itself. As I drove west, back towards the city and home, it kept getting slightly cloudier, then sunnier. As I crossed the river and passed downtown, mostly everything was settling into darkness, except for one mirrored skyscraper, which had caught the last remaining rays of the setting sun, and was lit up in a spectacular burst of light. It was one of those times I wished that I'd had my camera with me. Though, to be honest, perhaps it all works best as a memory, I'm not sure a photograph would do justice to the combination of everything.

I've got a bit of a headache this morning, now. Though a couple of aspirin should help out with that. So, yeah... I suppose I should get some work done, now. Sounds like fun, eh?

then / now