in the city

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11-16-04 // 10.49 pm

the most sacred voodoo site in haiti

Is it sad that it's Tuesday night and I already wish it was Friday?

I'm beat. Didn't sleep that well last night and it was a long day at work, lots of meetings. It took me an hour to get home thanks to nearly 10 miles of construction on westbound 64. I took the alternate route but it still took forever.

Made it home just in time to scoop up Corona and take her to the vet for her annual checkup. I wrapped her in the Mexican blanket and she did just fine. She explored the examination room, sniffing everything and even rolling around on the floor a lot for some reason. The vet (Dr. Schwartz is his name, I think, he's super nice) gave Corona a clean bill of health, gave her her vaccinations, took a blood sample and sent us on our way. She's sleeping soundly now after eating a tuna treat.

Erin and I went to Chris's for dinner, I love that place. My meal wasn't the best dish ever (over-tough beef Italiano), I should stick to my long-time favorites. At least they finally gave us a booth.

I don't have much else to say tonight. I think I'm going to readin bed for a bit before my eyelids get too heavy to stay open anymore.

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