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11-24-03 // 10.10 am

oscillate wildly

NP: all of the Smiths songs on my iPod on random. Right now it's one of my favorite songs ever, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. I don't know why, but all day so far I've had the desire to make a Smiths compilation tape. I don't need one, of course, but I still would like to make one. If anyone wants a free Smiths tape, let me know, as this would allow me to indulge my natural tape-makin' urges, and expose someone to new tunes at the same time.

Winter is here. I know this because walking out to my car this morning, I was assaulted by a frigid wind feeling like airborne daggers of ice. Also, there were flurries.

I can't stand it when natives are rude to tourists. I'll admit that it's annoying when someone with out-of-region license plates is going 30mph on the interstate and blocking my exit ramp, but if a tourist asks for directions or looks lost or whatever, I like to try to help out. I dunno, not ever having been somewhere before isn't a crime. I mean, a tourist should also respect the locale that they are in and try to do some research before the trip -- I've always believed in a "when in Rome" travelling philosophy. But I dunno, there's a balanced line.

I need to get out and take photos. Badly. I haven't been doing so with any regularity, not for over a month. The sad thing is that I have a file on my desktop full of ideas for things to investigate and photograph. I think the problem is that it's fall turning to winter, and with that comes the fact that it's dark and cold. No extended evening sun and twilight in which to head out in and snap pics. I realize that I can go out on weekends, but I dunno, I've just fell out of practice. But no more. I need to get my ass in gear.

This is old hat but I still hate Sunday nights. Last night was ridiculous, I wasn't really tired but I needed to go to sleep. I was kind of restless and wanted to go for a walk but didn't because it was late, cold and kind of wet out. I was kicking myself for basically only leaving the house twice all of Saturday and Sunday, and that was only to go to the grocery store.

In the long run, however, the weekend of laziness was probably good for me. The next month or so is going to be ridiculously busy, what with Thanksgiving, Ryan H's wedding, being busy at work before I go on my Christmas Eve-to-New Year's holiday, and Christmas. Christmas might be the worst, especially since we still need to buy gifts and to put up decorations. Plus, my cousins on my dad's side want me to go out with them to take my grandparents to dinner one Saturday, and then the next Saturday my mom and dad want to have Erin and I over for dinner. That's all even before the actual circus of Christmas Eve/Day. I know, I know, I'm spoilt for choice, most people would kill to have so much family to turn to at the holidays, etc. But at the same time, it's going to be stressful even though it should be a time for relaxing.

Three day work week, aw yeah. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I'm energetic and in a good mood this morning. It's especially interesting, considering that there was an auspicious feeling in the air when I woke up.

then / now