in the city

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11-22-03 // 9.31 pm

"we have the drive to eat"

I am sitting here with Erin watching Iron Chef. She is eating a microwaved yam (!) and I am drinking a pint of Sam Smith's 'Winter Welcome'. It's nice, despite the fact that it doesn't feel anything like winter.

I didn't do a damn thing today, I didn't even go for the walk I ment to get out and take. I just wasted away the day playing computer games, messing around with mixes, and doing a bit of reading.

There are a lot of fucking hoosiers in my apartment complex these days. Like, it wasn't this bad when we first moved in a year and a half ago. It's just that between the shouting man with the whooping friends and the screeching baby next door and the guy who sits out in the courtyard working on his ghetto-ass piece of crap car while blasting shitty 'slow jam' soul and top 40 hip-hop, it gets incredibly annoying. There are other offenders, as well, for example the people with the ancient Oldsmobile sedan with the blown out tires and dented sides that just sits out the parking lot next to my car, never ever moving. There's also the people in the building right across from our bedroom window who insist on blasting music out their open living room window at 3 am on a weekday. These are the same people who have friends that drive up in their cars and shout from the car to the apartment, rather than, I don't know, go inside and talk to them. I realize I sound like a humorless old man, but it just gets my goat that these people have no concept of proper conduct. This is an urban apartment complex. There is a limited amount of space, and any noise is amplified due to the courtyard structure. But whatever. Hoosiers will be hoosiers.

So, umm, hi. This is erin. Mike is off giving my yam a proper send-off. It was tasty. Mike is actually thrilled because, honestly, I eat like a 12 year old. All hot dogs and pizza and McDonald's cheeseburgers, which I eat in cycles. Yams, however, are healthy and sort of vegtable-esque. (The secret lesson you should be taking away from this is that Mike is really nurturing, as odd as it is to use that word.)

OK, I'm back... It's funny, when I was a kid I loved sweet potatoes. Couldn't get enough of 'em. Though as an adult, I can't stand them. It's the same way with braunschweiger. Though at least with the latter, I can understand why. I mean, what kind of kid actually likes liver sausage? Damn.

For someone who had eight hours of sleep last night and didn't exert himself all day, I'm oddly tired.

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