in the city

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11-30-04 // 4.06 pm

zaa zaa

NP: Freedy Johnston - "Can You Fly"

It's been raining for about two days straight at this point. It's been gray and dark for an overwhelmingly large portion of the past week & I'm starting to get all sleepy/hibernationy, except I'm not a bear or rodent and that's not actually what happens. But this weather does make me sluggish, plus it impedes my daily exercise routine, which just exacerbates the out-of-it feeling.

I've been quite productive at work since coming back from the holiday break, but I don't feel like talking about work beyond mentioning that.

I wish I could figure out why I get email updates from the official Nas homepage. Every month or so something shows up in my inbox and I have absolutely zero clue as to where they'd have gotten my info.

In meta-news, someone from the UK read 298 entries of this diary today. That has to be some sort of record, I'm not that interesting. If that person is still out there, please sign the guestbook so I can recognize your feat of endurance.

Ugh, only like half an hour or 45 minutes to go. This is the kind of day where I wish I could just teleport home instead of having to deal with reckless wet-weather drivers and traffic jams.

I haven't really said much at all of substance today, have I?

then / now