in the city

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12-2-04 // 11.26 am

washed my face in the rivers of empire

NP: Calexico - "Feast Of Wire"

I was supposed to start my testing this morning, but apparently the engineers are making one last code change, so I won't be able to begin until tomorrow morning. At least that's what I'm hoping, since the customer wants us to be done testing by the end of the day this coming Wednesday. So I'm probably going to have to run a bunch of stuff concurrently tomorrow, then run what's left of the automated tests overnight Friday and come in for a bit on Saturday to check on them and ensure everything passed like it should. Then we'll do the final couple of pieces on Monday.

So basically I have nothing to do today, save for just sort of going back and double and triple checking myself. That gets old fast.

Tonight Ryan S & a few other people are supposed to be stopping by, I think we're going to head out for a cup of coffee, which sounds great.

I woke up this morning feeling reasonably refreshed. I got in the shower (the hot water in my building was actually really hot this morning for a rare change of pace), and once I got out I felt utterly exhausted. ???

The new upstairs neighbors are still frighteningly loud. Or, alternately, they'll be quiet (read: normal levels of apartment noise) all evening untill 11.30, at which point the stereo in the bedroom directly above ours gets turned up to "Max+1". It's deafening, I could hear it plain as day through my earplugs. This led me to getting up and wanting to band on the celing/go upstairs and tell them to knock it off & respect apartment living. Erin didn't want me to, figuring it wouldn't change anything. This led to us arguing, apparently loud enough to be overheard upstairs, about whether we should be annoyed at late-night loudness and whether we should go up there or not. They must've heard us arguing, as that thumping music shut right off. Mission accomplished?

Now it's lunchtime. Due to today's unforseen slowness, I probably also have time for a longer-than-usual post meal walk.

then / now