in the city

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12-3-02 // 8.52 am

shiny and contoured the railway winds

NP: Porcupine Tree - "In Absentia"

I've got this chilled to the bone kind of feeling today. I think it stems from the fact that it's like 20 degrees F outside, and also from there being little to no hot water in our apartment. Not sure what's going on, but it's been really dodgy for the past two or so days. I'm calling the landlord's office later on to complain. But yeah, even after a big cup of coffee, and driving in the car with the heat turned up way high, I still feel sort of cold, shivery, and weak. Hrm.

I have a meeting in a while. It's one of those deals where we sit down with one of the chief engineers, and they'll criticize your work. It's very efficient and helpful, but it also fills you with this sense of abject failure, because they're so good at picking apart what's wrong.

Tonight is Tori! Must remember to go to the ATM to get cash before the show. Too bad there really isn't a metro station near the Fox, as it'd be nice to just take that instead of drive over. Oh well.

Tinsel and ornaments are now up on the tree. It's all looking very Christmas-y. I still have to figure out a way to hang up those chili pepper lights, though.

Erin gave me the absolute best backrub in the history of the universe last night. I didn't know it was possible to feel that relaxed. She rocks -- mostly for non-backrub reasons, but this was way cool, too.

Oh, and so as not to clog this diary with random pictures, I've decided to start a photoblog. There's an entry up already, so if you feel like it, drop by and say hello. I hope to add new photos every day or two, so check back often. If randomness is your bag, that is.

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