in the city

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12-7-01 // 10.22 pm

unaware I'm tearing you asunder, there is thunder in our hearts

NP: Kate Bush - "Hounds of Love"

Today was my last ever day of actual university classes. All that's left now is next week's finals. And that, my friends, is it. Wow.

My music professor told me today that my term paper was "very very very good" and that he wanted me to submit it to the annual student research conference the university holds every spring. But as I won't be around anyomore then, I won't be doing that. But I thought it was cool anyway that he suggested it.

Steve and Sarah are in town this weekend for tomorrow night's party. I went out with 'em tonight, just goofing around at Target and places like that. It's been cool and rainy tonight which is very relaxing. Ate at Sonic, too -- chili cheese fries. Man, those things are just a total battle with my's such a guilt-inducing food. Not because it's fattening or something like that, but because it's just so gluttonous. It's like "wow, french fries aren't bad enough, let's pile melted cheddar and some chili on top of it!" Tons of people around the world go to bed hungry and I have the audacity to eat fries with even more shit piled up on top! But in any case, they're damn tasty.

The aforementioned party is tomorrow night. Though before I get my beer on, I have to spend the early afternoon writing my take-home music final. Well, it's not due 'til Wednesday, but I want to get it out of the way.

Oh, and Kari, if you read this before kickoff, go Rainbows! Kick some Cougar butt.

OK, that's it, I'm outta here. Time to watch Dennis Miller.

then / now