in the city

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12-6-01 // 10.02 pm

and I don't know if you're illusion, don't know if I see truth

I'm currently listening to some mp3s and attempting to fashion them into a viable mix CD. I think it's almost ready...but first it has to be test-listened a few times prior to burning. Man, am I a geek or what? At least I'm a geek with a proper attention to mix protocols.

So this week's been a bit insane, what with all the schoolwork and studying that I've been having to do. But thankfully, at this point, all that's left is next week's final exams. Then I'm out of here. I really only have to manage to get like half of the questions right on my hard finals to still pass, but I'm still going to be studying like a madman. Next week I will live in the library.

Today I went to class, demonstrated my program to the professor in data structures. The thing was almost complete so I got like 7.5 out of 10 on it. Pretty good deal. Went to work this afternoon, then went and did laundry. Ate a quick-ish dinner, talked to my mom and sister on IM, then headed off to do a bit of studying. There's something both extremely cool and extremely sad about having a course where re-reading the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" technical manual counts as 'studying for an exam'. What's even sadder is the fact that I already owned the manual before I took this course.

Today was damp and cool. Tonight it's foggy & a little bit humid. I'm not sure what it's like in your part of the world, but in my region, it seems that only in this town do I encounter a weather state where it is both cold and really humid outside. I guess that's what I get for living a few blocks from a huge river.

That's about it for the moment. I'm just glad things are moving along & that I'm not going mad in the process.

then / now