in the city

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12-7-02 // 12.04 am

out of touch with the rhythm and blues

NP: yet another new mix. It hasn't graduated to CD status yet, but it's growing in its MP3 playlist nursery quiet nicely.

Erin and her friends are prank calling local Wal-Marts and Blockbusters. Quite loudly, might I add.

I've had some beers tonight. Tasty Czech lager.

I love this fiber-optic lit mini-tree on the computer desk. It rocks.

Have you noticed how Billy Joel currently looks like the sans-makeup Krusty the Clown? It's eerie.

Cats keep climbing in/jumping on/chewing on our Christmas tree. See, we specifically didn't get a real tree for these reasons. But they mess with the fake one just the same. Wonderful.

There's something depressing about the work day this time of year. I mean, when I wake up around seven in the morning, it's just getting light. When I leave work at 4.30 or 5 o'clock, it's either barely light out, or dark. Since there aren't any windows in my lab, it makes for a dreary winter season.

Saw Peter Gabriel on the Tonight Show tonight, of all things. Apparently the current "single" is my favorite song on the album, too, which I didn't expect. Rock on. I'd have killed to see his current tour, but (a) he isn't playing St. Louis, and (b) tickets are so outrageously expensive, that I doubt I could've afforded to go anyway. Oh well. I suppose there'll be a DVD of the tour or something.

I can't believe it's past midnight already. Friday nights always fly by. Sadly.

Blah. It feels like there's more I want to write, but it's not coming out. Oh well.

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