in the city

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12-9-02 // 9.50 am

come as you are sweetheart

NP: Elbow - "Asleep in the Back"

If I ever have a band, there'll be a guy in it who plays Hammond organ. Not Rick Wakeman-esque insanity (though that does have its place), but just some regular organ stuff.

I hate Monday mornings. Hate 'em. Don't like the alarm going off, don't like taking that bleary-eyed shower, don't like navigating through throngs of SUVs to get on the interstate, don't like having to weave in and out of slow moving tractor trailers the rest of the way. Don't like having to leave the blue skied outside world to sit at my dark, windowless, lab cubicle home. Don't like listening to loud, boring coworkers talk about role playing games or computer expos. Don't like the useless Monday morning meeting that I'll have to attend in a couple of hours. Just everything about Monday mornings suck, brutally and completely.

Though at least I'm not in college anymore, I can take solace in that fact. For the first time in about five years, I didn't spend last weekend living in the library, cramming for four or five exams. That, and I don't have to spend this week taking ridiculously scary exams, and then spending the week after that with my stomach in a knot waiting for the results. I'm pretty sure nothing in the world is worse for your anxiety level than waiting for the results of an insanely difficult computer science (or calculus, etc) exam. The only good part of the entire weekend before and week of finals were the parties. We always had one big party the Saturday of the weekend before finals started. I think it was necessary, otherwise everyone would have exploded. Literally.

The weekend was good. Busy, but good. Did some visiting on Saturday, were gone most of the day. Had a very surreal moment: sitting at a table in a Starbucks, which in turn was inside a big supermarket, drinking coffee, and playing Scrabble. The best part was that we didn't even bother to keep score or adhere much to the rules. I even made the word "zooropa", with only minimal setup assistance from Erin. Sunday, after watching that mess of a football game, we ventured out to do our Christmas shopping. Three and a half hours, and countless dollars spent, we were done. Done! Well, about 95% done, but all of the big stuff is taken care of. I think we did a great job -- Erin is fantastic at picking out great presents. Most of what we bought is even already wrapped, thanks to Erin's tireless efforts last night. I tried to help, but since I'm mostly uselss and uncoordinated when it comes to wrapping paper, I wrote some cards, cleaned up resulting messes, and made a pizza. I think tonight right after work, I'm going to make a few stops and finish getting Erin's presents.

I think I was going to write more, but I just don't feel like it anymore. Blah.

then / now