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12-17-02 // 9.04 pm

making life size models of the velvet underground in clay

NP: Belle & Sebastian - "Tigermilk"

It was a long day at work. 10 hours straight through, no time to even stop for lunch. I think all I ate all day was a handful of pretzel rods. But yeah. I put in the exact same work day yesterday, too. Basically, someone did a really bad code merge, and everything that I'd worked on got screwed up because of this. So yes, someone else's fault, but I had to fix it. This turned into the realization by one of the chief engineers that the code that he had personall approved several times was actually wrong. So yesterday and today, it was my job to redo everything. It was basically like doing a week and a half's worth of work in two days. Eek. But the majority of it is over, now thankfully. Either way, I can't wait till I have three days off next week.

Oh, and to top all of today's festivities off, I had to take an hour out of my insane day to watch a corporate propaganda film entitled something like "Jihad in America: Terrorists in Our Midst". It wasn't as jingoistic and factually devoid that I thought it would be, it was actually pretty evenhanded. They even kept bringing up points that I kept thinking to myself "but they're forgetting so-and-so!" In any case, it sucked having to watch it. Though I suppose if I don't watch such videos, the terrorists have already won.

This is something I actually said to Erin a few minutes ago: "I have no strong feelings one way or the other about 'Labyrinth' fan fiction."

The weather has been very strange the past couple of days. Seriously, it's the middle of December and it was 60 degrees and humid today. It was that weird kind of humid, too, where it causes fog to stick around all day, and any moisture on the ground to never evaporate. My drive home tonight was kind of harrowing, to say the least.

Had spaghetti for dinner a little while ago, and now I'm drinking a bottle of lager. I'm not sure what it is, but a bottle of cold beer after a long day is one of the better feelings in the world.

Something I remember now that I forgot to mention days ago: last week's "Saturday Night Live" had Al Gore as the host, and he actually had to say at one point "ladies and gentlemen, Phish!" It was surreal and weird, but not quite as bizarre as from like six years ago when Steve Forbes had to say "ladies and gentlemen, Rage Against the Machine!" Wow.

One of my hands is very cold, and one of them is very warm. My feet do this once in a while, too, it's rather strange.

I seem to have run out of things to talk about. But that's OK. I'm outta here...

then / now