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12-16-02 // 10.19 am

one of us must know which way the wind blows

NP: The Charlatans - "Between 10th and 11th"

Bananas! A very fine cover image for your album, I think. More bands should consider simply putting a photograph of bananas (or other fruits) on the front of their records.

Very little pisses me off these days, but you know what still does? People who get all sanctimonious about the commercial nature of Christmas. OK, fine, you don't want to "feed the corporate machine" or whatever. But at least keep it to yourself, and stop railing against people who buy holiday gifts for other people. What really got me going on this was that damn "Buy Nothing Day" from a few weeks ago. It seems to me that the types of people supporting this are also the kinds of people who spell America "Amerika" and protest war / are "anti-globalism" in order to be fashionable. If you ask me (and you didn't), these people could've taken the hundreds of dollars I'm sure they spent on their website and promotional campaign (how abou that big ad on CNN they took out?), and donated lots of money or volunteer time to local charities or even local businesses (that's a good way to be anti-corporate, geniuses). I dunno, whatever floats your boat, really. Just stop judging me, Mr. Righteous Activist Man. Thank you.

I'm a little bit tired this morning. Not too much, but just enough to notice. Had a good cup of coffee on my drive to the office, but still.

I'm very much looking forward to Christmas. Three days off, seeing families, exchanging presents, looking at lights, eating good food. I dunno, Thanksgiving and Christmas are my two favorite holidays. I just like the sense of togetherness.

I'm rather happy at the moment that I don't live in New York and that I didn't have to worry about that whole transit strike business. Still, every time you hear about something like this (aren't the Tube workers in London always threatening or holding one-day strikes and generally messing everything up in the process?), I feel really bad for everyone who basically can't get anywhere because of it. But despite those sorts of hassles, I would take public transport to and from work if it was feasible. But my commute is far too many miles for it to really work.

The hot water in our building is out again. Yeah, the second time in like two and a half weeks. I called the landlord's office to report it, and they said they already know and that a maintenance person is out there now working on it. I mean, I know that things break, but it's rather annoying, as I had to take another cold quasi-shower (that's me hunched over in the tub/shower, splashing water on my head in a difficult attempt to wash my hair). Either way, I no longer feel bad about my rent being a day late this month.

I just ate a green apple Jolly Rancher. Yum.

Now I suppose I should get a move on. Annoying "weekly status meeting" coming up soon. Ah, wonderful Mondays.

then / now