in the city

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12-26-01 // 10.28 am

you're a tragedy starting to happen

NP: Elbow - "Asleep in the Back"

Christmas is great but it's also so very taxing. So many relatives... Good food though -- pierogi and roast beef at my one grandparents' house Xmas eve...polish sausage, this excellent hot sauerkraut, and potatoes at my othe grandparents' place. And my aunt had a good turkey and stuffing on Christmas night. Now I can barely stand to even look at food...

The past three or so days I've been trying to get through a bit of a winter cold sort of thing. Bit of a sore throat, some coughing & congestion. Not fun. Looks like I'm on the mend, at least.

Cool gifts people gave me this year:

-"The Simpsons" DVD season one box set (this is possibly the coolest thing ever)
-some shirts
-gift cards to Borders, Best Buy, and Target (yeah badass, yeah!)

I hope everyone liked what I got them.

Last night I had a dream where I was shot to death. With an old-timey shotgun. It seemed like I was involved in some sort of war game, but it was held in a deserted area that looked a lot like the old downtown area where I went to university. In any case, I was glad when I woke up and realized I was not, in fact, dead.

That's about it, I think. Yeah, it is.

then / now