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12-28-02 // 11.11 am

nobody cries, they just smoke and stare and their shoes

NP: Ryan Adams - "Demolition"

My dad just called, saying he was given two really good tickets for the SLU basketball game tonight, and I had to say "sorry, but I can't". I hate that. I mean, I would love to see the game, I'd love to go to the Kiel, and I'd love to spend time with my dad, considering we don't get to do so very often. But it's this damn cold. I'm on the verge of shaking the thing altogether, I can feel it. But there's this feeling in my chest, and this occasional cough that I'm pretty sure could turn into something nasty. So I'm playing it safe, staying inside all weekend, resting up and getting better.

I still feel bad about saying no to my dad, though. But I had a thought, and here's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna find a home game for like a week or two from now, get tickets, and surprise him with that. Not sure if I'm going to do a SLU basketball game, or a Blues game...but either way. I emailed my mom asking if she knows if there's any days where he won't be around, so I know what dates are open.

So yeah, sickness. Erin is feeling terrible. Cough, sneezing, raw throat, congestion. She took NyQuil (green death flavor, of course) last night, but it took her forever to fall asleep. Poor thing. But I told her I'd take care of her all weekend, so hopefully she starts feeling better.

Did you know "Mystery Science Theater 3000" is still on in reruns? Though apparently, it's only once a week, at 8 o'clock in the morning on Saturdays. I mean, I don't sleep that late on weekends, but even I'm still asleep then. In annoying fashion, I keep tending to wake up and catch the last 15 minutes of the show. Very frustrating.

I'm sitting here on the cough right now, fleece blanket over my lap, drinking a cup of coffee. It's the really nice coffee Erin got me for Christmas, actually. It's some of the best I've had in ages.

Ooh, the English premiership is on now! Bah, but it's Leeds and Chelsea. At least it's not damn Man Utd. again (hi Kat!). I'm pretty sure that like an entire week's worth of "Eastenders" is on later this afternoon on another channel. This is really pathetic, but Steen got me hooked on that show when I was visiting her and Dave in January. At first I was like "ugh, not this again!". But by the time my two weeks with them was up, I was able to whistle the theme tune, and I knew all the characters, plot lines, etc. How sad am I? The answer is: "very".

Snow's still on the ground from earlier in the week, though today it's somewhat warmer out, so it's beginning to melt. The world always looks strange when snow that's been on the ground for a while beings to melt. That uniform white gives way to greens and browns and grays. It's like your eyes are readjusting to having to deal with a variety.

I think that it's time for another cup of coffee. And with that, I'm outta here.

then / now