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2-20-02 // 8.22 pm

dislocated, suffocated

NP: U2 - "The Unforgettable Fire"

I feel like such an ass.

So yesterday I sent her an angry email after calling a week ago and never getting a response. Tonight she wrote back to tell me that she didn't respond since she was hospitalized for a kidney infection and strep throat. Apparently she's still rather ill.

So I wrote her again, this time having to balance my initial (quite valid) point that she absolutely never returns my calls or honors our plans with a whole bunch of me apologizing for not giving her the benefit of the doubt. Not that I particularly think she deserves yet *another* benefit of the doubt, but she's sick... I don't need to be a total jerk about this.

So yeah... Here I was, Captain Self-Righteous, all ready to get a big "oh I'm sorry" apology and sit smug and and self satisfied. And instead I end up with egg on my face.

That's just the way things are with me. See, this is why I never stand up for myself. Always ends up backfiring.

At least my friend is alive. That's a plus.

then / now