in the city

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2-26-02 // 9.35 am

I used to be the main express, all steam and whistles heading west

This morning, I woke up on my own about 7 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I've always found that sort of thing to be incredibly maddening. But see, I'm the kind of person who will go back to sleep for the useless span of five minutes -- I intend to squeeze out every last moment of sleep I'm due.

Sunday it was 65 degrees here. Yesterday evening, just as I got ready to leave work, it had dropped to about 30 degrees, and had started snowing. At the moment I think it's like 20 degrees out, and there's about three inches of snow on the ground. Not to mention all the blowing snow...the wind has turned southwestern Illinois into the Alaskan tundra. I saw a half dozen cars run off the road on my drive to the office this morning. Which incidentally took about twice as long as it usually does. Ah, there's nothing like going 10mph down a highway with a 55mph speed limit.

There's this guy in my office with a laugh that sounds exactly like Chris Farley as that fat woman on the old SNL "Zagats" sketches. I mean, it's uncanny. And it's driving me up the wall because his cube is adjacent to mine. Thankfully I've got a pair of headphones here for those times when I just can't take it anymore.

Hmm... Time for more coffee, then. Later gators.

then / now