in the city

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3-8-01 // 1.27 pm

I am a satellite (but that's alright)

NP: Morrissey - "Maladjusted"

It's a nice day outside -- perfect blue skies, the whole nine yards. Though for some reason, I wish it was cloudy instead. I just feel like I need some clouds. So I'm sitting in my bedroom with the blinds shut in a (poor) attempt to simulate the grayness.

Last night, whilst digging around in my closet looking for printer paper, I found a notebook from about two years ago. There were some old poems and writings and diaries in there...some were surprisingly good. I think I'm going to plunder a few of the more random stanzas and combine 'em with some new stuff. That's if I get around to it.

Also last night, I spent a good three hours doing this week's Delphi assignment for Software Engineering. It was a lot for one evening, but now it's done which means I get to relax tonight. I just have that one problem to do for Numerical Analysis, but that's just a minor bump in the road.

Gave our presentation this morning in Australian Culture. No-one in the audience was paying attention, save the professor. I realize we're not a circus or anything, there's no fireworks, but I still thought it was a bit rude of everyone, considering how much work went into this and that we put together something really well-organized and informative. Oh well...

Tonight, since I have some time for once, I think I'm going to listen to Marillion's "Brave" the way the liner notes suggest (which is, I have found, the best way) -- loud and with the lights off. Don't ask me how or why that accentuates the experience, but it does. Despite the fact that it's one of my favorite albums of all time, I rarely listen to it, as to me, there's no point if there's no time to properly devote to it. So yeah, tonight I'll just put on the headphones and drift away...

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