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3-18-01 // 12.57 am

happiness is easy

NP: Talk Talk - "The Colour of Spring"

I keep logging in and seeing these new Diaryland ad banners at the top of the edit pages. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's kind of weird that someone would take out an ad for their lives.

I'm currently on spring break, staying up at my parents' house for the week. It's nice & quiet here, plus I get to sleep in my old big bed.

The other night, I called Robyn trying to find out if she was still in town or not. Well, she answered the phone & it turns out she was going to be here all weekend before having to head back up to Champaign. So we had a good phone conversation Friday, and then tonight we went out for Chinese food. We joked about the Chinese zodiac placemats, noted the restaurant's long-standing habit of piping the local soft rock station's 'Pillow Talk' program into the dining area, and got rather inappropriate fortune cookie fortunes. Sadly, she's driving back to university tomorrow...we both agreed that we don't want to have to go back to school. But it's already made my spring break that we were able to meet up at all. I thought for sure our paths weren't going to cross.

My local PBS station is on a pledge drive & has been showing a ton of those Rick Steves European travel shows. Of course, I've been sitting here watching them. I wish England wasn't 10 months away...I wanna go now.

You know, happiness is easy.

then / now