in the city

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9-3-01 // 9.43 am

streetcorner wanderlust

NP: Yes - "90125"

I spent a frighteningly large portion of yesterday watching a "thirtysomething" marathon on Bravo. I think that has to be some sort of warning sign of an impending mental collapse.

Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother trying to have friends at all. Seriously, do they think I'm some sort of emotionless straw man? That consistenly making and then breaking plans with me will not make me feel dejected and useless? More and more these days I'm beginning to better understand the attraction of life as a hermit.

I'm hitting the road here in an hour or so. Upon my return, I plan on spending the rest of the day luxuriously listening to LPs and catching up on some reading.

Happy Labor Day.

then / now