in the city

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9-23-01 // 8.48 pm

I know a place where we can go and wash away this sin

NP: Don Henley - "The End of the Innocence"

So she broke our plans for the third time in five days. I get angry because she can be so damn inconsiderate. I mean, I know she cares about me. But it's like she feels her time is more valuable than mine or something. I feel like yelling at her, but I know next time I run into her, she'll smile and curl her arms around me, and I'll lose what little spine I seem to have.

Otherwise, this day was a total washout. I did some coursework & kind of watched a little football. But I haven't left my flat since I got up. Some storms rolled through near it's cool & blustery outside. It's starting to feel like fall...I love it.

My entire life seems like it can be summed up by one word: waiting.
I'm so sick of it.

then / now