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9-27-01 // 12.11 pm

teenage wasteland

NP: The Who - "Who's Next"

Just so you know, Keith Moon is the best rock drummer in the history of the world. It's true because I say so.

Blind date girl (her name is Shelley) got back to me yesterday. So far, she seems exceedingly cool and easy to talk to. We're in the process of figuring out a night we can go out.

Sara is being an exceptional bitch (sorry, I know that term is overused but lately she really deserves it). She blew off our plans on Sunday, she won't call me back, and then yesterday outside Grauel, I said hi but she totally ignored me in favor of talking to that Travis guy she used to date.

I got my Data Structures exam back...I got what amounts to a 7 out of 12 points. Which is kind of bad, though I later found out that loads of people in the class got scores like 6 and 3. So I guess I didn't do so bad compared to everyone else.

I watched the premiere of the new Star Trek "Enterprise" last night. Rest assured, the geek receptors in my brain were well stimulated.

Might go to dinner with my sister tonight. I have to finish revising my Prob/Stats exam at some point, too. I gotta go to work pretty soon here, too. Yes, my life is full of exciting adventures. And if you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you.

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