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12-3-03 // 10.35 am

I left my school, I left my job

NP: random iPod, more once more. (Belle & Sebastian - Belle & Sebastian)

I was thinking about this the other day...bands with songs that share the name of the band. There's Belle & Sebastian, of course. I also came up with:
Bad Company
Big Country
Talk Talk
Bad Religion
IQ (well, the song is Intelligence Quotient, but I'd say it counts)
They Might Be Giants
Toy Matinee (this is one where the album has the same name as the band and the song)

There have to be way more, but those are all I could come up with off the top of my head. Of course, that's not even going into bands named after other people's songs...

Gray, windswept Wednesday morning. I forced myself to shave, shower, dress and drive to work despite the fact that it felt nearly impossible to get myself moving. It's supposed to start snowing at some point tonight.

(John Wesley - What You Really Want)

I received a summons for jury duty. I'm supposed to start on January 5th, which butts right up against the end of my Christmas/New Years vacation time. So basically, the pragmatic upshoot is that I told my project manager I'd come in the Monday and Tuesday after Christmas (29th & 30th) but wouldn't be able to come in Jan. 5-6, and maybe not even the rest of that week depending on what I end up doing at the court. So yeah, thanks a million St. Louis County courts! Thanks for nothing.

(David Gray - Kangaroo)

I can feel the effects of the onset of winter/start of the Christmas season one-two punch starting to sink in. This is a bad thing, as it combines the sudden fact that I will now not see the sun for 5/7 of my week with the fact that the approximate month between Thanksgiving and Christmas are always jam packed with obligations. The fact that Ryan H's wedding falls during this time makes this year even worse. Not that I'm not looking forward to the wedding, and not that I don't like the lights and togetherness of Christmas -- I am and I do. But man... So much to do, so many people to see, so little money left in hand.

(Pet Shop Boys - Yesterday, When I Was Mad)

The arrogant man in charge of server allocation at my work needs to get off his ass and give me a server. I need a server to do my work. Can't compile the code without a server to do it on. Server server server. Gah.

(Embrace - My Weakness Is None Of Your Business)

Ugh, I don't know if it's sinus related or what, but I've been getting headaches off and on the past two or three days. This is strange for me as I almost never get headaches. Their frequency has gone up ever so slightly the past few years, but it's still quite low. Hrm. In any case, I have to keep doing the whole "apply sinus pressure" thing while I sit here at my cube. My coworkers probably think I'm a total freakazoid. Not that they don't already, I'm sure.

(Son Volt - Tear Stained Eye)

It's time for another cup of coffee and a quick glance out the window at the outside world. It may be gray and spitting rain, but it's still a vital need.

then / now