in the city

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12-15-03 // 9.56 am

she was into s&m and bible studies, not everybody's cup of tea

NP: iPod randomness (David Gray - The Other Side)

Putting gas and wiper fluid in my car this morning, it felt like I was out on a Siberian tundra. Wind whipping around, snow blowing was ridiculous. Gotta love that Illinoisan prairie.

(Marillion - Seasons End)

I was thinking about this other day, and I don't feel bad about the fact that I give money to charity (Big Brothers & Big Sisters of St. Louis) as opposed to donating my time. The way I look at it, that money is a converted representation of my time and effort, so it's all good. I also keep meaning to send money to Amnesty International, but I never remember to send in the paperwork and check that's sitting there in my bag.

(Morrissey - Hairdresser On Fire)

Had a good weekend, didn't do too much out of the ordinary but it was nice and relaxing. My parents came by yesterday evening, they brought Erin and I our Christmas present early. It was a big bookshelf, which my dad even insisted on assembling for us. I tried to stop him, really I did. Went out for Mexican once Erin got home from work, and then went on the Great TV Hunt 2003. My parents have had the same TV for 15 years and it's apparently on its last legs. My parents are pretty technologically illiterate. I'm not trying to be condescending -- my mom makes an effort and sort of knows her way around a computer, and I'm convinced my dad could've been an engineer if that'd been his interest (he's already one hell of a carpenter/builder). But they have zero idea what to look for when buying a new TV/VCR/stereo/whatever. So I was drafted, and we made the rounds...Best Buy, Ultimate Electronics (the clerk there asked us if we'd like something to drink), Circuit City. Hours later they'd decided on a 27" Panasonic flat screen with 'surround sound'. A good choice.

(Weezer - Tired Of Sex)

Note that I am not tired of sex.

My parents also brought this old treadmill that'd been collecting dust in their basement. I put it in our study, so now late evening/inclement weather exercise is within my reach. It is with this acquisition that I begin Project "Shape Up, Fatass". My goal is to continue with my 15-20 minute walks at lunch and then to do 45-60 minutes on the treadmill when I get home from work.

(Idlewild - [I Am] What I Am Not)

Meowie knocked over the Christmas tree on Saturday morning. He broke two ornaments, including Erin's favorite. The cat is lucky he hasn't been turned into a cat skin rug for this episode. Thankfully Corona has largely stopped using the tree at her own personal jungle gym, for if she'd continued on in the manner of last year, she'd be in the running to be turned into a pair of kitty gloves.

(Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister)

So the 'coalition forces' captured Saddam Hussein. Big whoop. It doesn't change a single thing about the current reality of the Iraq situation, though I'm sure it will continued to be trumpeted by the Bush administration as a 'major victory' and all that. Big PR and sound bites and 'with beard, without beard' pictures to show to the passive 90% of the country. Ugh.

(Matt Good - Lullaby For The New World Order)

I don't actually mind that this is a Monday morning and I'm at work. I think it's due to the fact that in the 14 days from December 24 - January 6, I will be in the office a grand total of 16 hours. So this is fine. Plus, my current project is just right -- plenty to keep me busy but not so much work as to make me feel overwhelmed. Plus, this project is overseen by my favorite project manager, who understands the importance of not being overbearing. I think the fact that he consistently gets results with his projects is a testament to his style.

then / now