in the city

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1-3-03 // 11.15 am

spanish bombs rock the province

NP: The Clash - "London Calling"

Happiness is listening to Joe Strummer doing his thing, while simultaneously eating peppermint patties.

Still not much going on at work, but that's sort of the way it is around the entire office. People are sort of hanging around, looking for accounts to charge their time to. Thankfully I've got something going on (albeit very little), so I don't have to scrounge like that.

Snow is still everywhere, but the roads are clear now, thankfully. Snow totally transforms this city. What I mean is, it looks completely different with a blanket of white. Buildings and neighborhoods I drive by and through daily look completely new and different.

Heard from Ryan S, finally. He left a message on my cell phone voice mail last night. The reason he didn't show up on New Year's? He was "talking into staying" at his girlfriend's parents' place. Said he left his cell phone at his house since he always gets crap reception out there. Not exactly the extenuating circumstances I was expecting. But he apologized profusely, and I suppose in the long run it's not that big of a deal, I forgive him. Ryan's earned the right over the years to be forvigen (mostly) automatically for minor things like this. I mean, we've been friends for over a decade at this point, and we all make mistakes? I'd rather meet up for a few pints and talk than get mad over little things, you know?

Woke up in a daze this morning, having no idea what day it was or whether or not I had to get up to go to work. Took me a good five minutes or so of randomly gathering clothes up to realize that, yes indeed, it was a work day. So here I am at work, and seem to have forgotten the events of this morning, as I suddenly remembered that it's Friday, as if I had no previous idea. So yes, weekend, rock on. Not that it's been a terribly taxing week overall, but I'm always up for a few days off.

Actually, I thought I had more to say this morning, but it looks like I was wrong. Oh well.

then / now