in the city

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1-11-03 // 9.31 pm

I write a new book every day

NP: various MP3s that I am attempting to sequence into a mix.

I poured myself a beautiful pint of bitter, but alas, now I cannot drink it. It's sitting in the glass, in the fridge, since Erin called me and said she's changed her mind and decided to drink after all, and that she'll need me to come get her later.

Erin is off at a friend's party, it's his 21st birthday. I didn't go with her, I didn't feel like leaving the house at all. We went on a proper crawl last night, spent most of this morning and early afternoon getting rid of the hangover, and the last thing I want to do tonight is fight the bitter cold and mess around with people. Sometimes I'm a ridculous homebody.

Speaking of last night, saw Ryan S for the first time in like a month and a half, which is always a good thing.

There's football on TV right now, a good game that I'd been looking foward to watching, but for some reason I'd rather hang out back here. Hrm.

I'm vaguely bored and whatnot tonight. But like I said, I don't want to leave the apartment. Oh well. Nobody's even on IM. But I suppose that's to be expected, I mean it is a Saturday night. At least it's heartening to know that the majority of folks out there aren't as lame as yours truly.

The phone has been ringing off the hook tonight. I feel like a switchboard operator.

Ooh, just remembered that my boss won't be around all next week. Those are always the best weeks, as our useless, time wasting Monday meeting gets cancelled, and there's a general feeling of relaxation that hangs about the halls. I mean, I'd rather not go back to work at all, but hey if you have to, may as well have it like that.

OK, that's it, I'm off to putter about and find something to occupy my time.

then / now