in the city

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1-12-03 // 10.28 am

the sun is a lightbulb

NP: Porcupine Tree - "Lightbulb Sun"

Erin didn't come home till like 7.30 this morning. Well, she called at like 3am to let me know she was staying -- didn't want me to have to get out of bed to come pick her up, which was very considerate, but I didn't mind. But in any case, she stayed there, I went to bed, and I'd had almost a full night's sleep before she came home. So now I'm up, and she's sleeping it off.

The upstairs neighbors are at it again. They're a lesbian couple, actually pretty nice people, the little I know 'em. But the thing is, they're so damn loud. They stomp around constantly, making the ceiling creak and thud. They yell and get into fights several times a week. Sometimes I hear a male voice in the screaming, too, so I don't know if there's a bizarre love triangle going on or what. Either way, they have been inordinately loud this morning, and it's driving me batty.

And of course, the cats have been racing around the apartment, fighting and wrestling with each other. Felines galloping up and down the hallway, hissing and yowling, running into things, etc. Such a noisy morning, which is annoying as hell on a Sunday.

Nothing's on TV at the moment, so I suppose I'll read some more of my book. Can't decide whether or not I want breakfast. I might wait a while and see what mood my stomach is in later.

Have to do dishes at some point today, Made all the more fun by the fact that something is wrong with the garbage disposal. Which is fine in itself, but as a side effect, it takes the sink ages to empty itself. So that's gonna be an adventure.

But anyway, that will have to wait till later. Right now, I'm going to drink some more coffee and just enjoy the fact that I can do so.

then / now