in the city

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1-13-03 // 10.02 am

the violets in my eyelids goin' red

NP: Ryan Adams - "Demolition"

Ryan Adams is one of those super prolific songwriters, you know the type, where it seems they can write three songs over breakfast, and several albums in a week. Well the problem with writers like that is they always seem to be wildly inconsistent. Like, for every Ryan Adams album, about half of it is brilliant and the other half is like "eh, whatever". Reminds me of early Elton John, like the 1970-76 period, where he released 10 albums, but only maybe two or three were bonafide classics all the way through. Of the rest, all but a few were really good overall, but they always had at least a few total clunkers.

Today is Erin's first day back at her old job. She got like two or three hours sleep last night, her body's still on a staying up late schedule. It's like when you'd go back to college after three or four weeks off for winter break, then the Sunday night before classes started up, you knew you'd have to be up at like 6.30 in the morning, but your body was like "you fool, we've been staying up till 3am every day for a month! Can't sleep now!" So you stay up late even though you don't want to, and the next morning you're a zombie. Poor Erin, she was in such bad shape this morning. But I'm sure she'll get back into the swing of things soon.

Note to people still in college -- savor those freakishly long vacations, because you're never getting another one quite that excellent until you retire. And at the rate things are currently going, that'll be about 10 years after you're dead. So live it up good and proper, OK?

Oh, I'm also really tired this morning. I'm functional and all of that, but I wouldn't have said no to an extra hour or so of sleep. It took me ages to fall asleep last night, as for some reason, in the parking lot outside the window behind where I lay my head, there was this big carpet cleaners' van. It sat there, and it made this rumbly, clanky noise, like an air compressor but twenty times worse. Who the hell gets their carpets professionally cleaned at 11.30 on a Sunday night? People who are looking to get a beating, that's who.

Things like this only make me think that people have far too much free time.

I have a meeting in about an hour that I don't want to go to. It's going to be boring, and filled with confrontational senior engineers splitting hairs and being petty. I understand it's their job to dissect things before they're completely approved, but it doesn't change the fact that it makes the process very unberable for everyone else.

Random thought: portobello mushrooms are damn tasty.

I went on a long walk yesterday morning and came across a whole bunch of signs and other random things I wanted to take pictures of. But I didn't have my digital with me, naturally. So I'll have to go back on that route again soon, and hopefully remember all of what I wanted to photograph in the first place. It was an extremely great walk, though. Skies were very blue, it was chilly out but not as freezing cold as the day before. The streets were full of people driving to and from wherever they go late on a Sunday morning -- church, maybe breakfast or a bit of grocery shopping. Sidewalks were mostly clear, save for the kid selling newspapers, and the girl jogging. Parking lots of office buildings were deserted -- I used the opportunity to explore the areas around some of the more interesting buildings in the neighborhood. I stood there on the corner of two major city streets, waiting for the light to turn and the "walk" sign to come on, looking up at the flags unfurled on top of the building over behind me. City, state, country, all up there, in stark contrast with the light blue sky. It was beautiful.

Two big cups of coffee so far this morning, and I think I'm going to go back for another one.

then / now