in the city

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1-22-03 // 9.28 am

on the bus, that's where we ride

NP: The Replacements - "Tim"

I was listening to Bright Eyes, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I am in the complete opposite of a Conor Oberst mood today, I think.

As for the Replacements, I like how every really good song Paul Westerberg ever wrote for them sounds like a drunken observational type singer songwriter, instead of something that fits the hard, underground indie/punk sort of look & lifestyle they were cultivating. I mean, I'm pretty sure he actually was drunk most of the time he was in the band, but it just sounds like if Paul Weller or Ray Davies or someone like that wrote all of their classic songs while completely loaded. And if they were American. Actually, never mind, this makes absolutely zero sense. Or does it? I honestly can't tell.

Very tired this morning, I'm drinking a second cup of coffee because the first didn't even faze me. But regardless, I'm feeling good. Things feel good, very on the upswing, you know?

There's a guy in my office who only drives yellow vehicles. I'm talking canary yellow here, big time stuff. He has a tiny Mazda sports car, as well as some sort of station wagon thing. This is also the guy who has this goatee that makes him look like Ming the Merciless from "Flash Gordon". The weird thing is, he's actually one of my favorite people to work with, as he isn't nuts like it seems the majority of people here are sometimes.

Had a great time hanging out with Ryan S yesterday. Ate far too much at the Korean restaurant, I felt like a massive pig. But it's OK, as I manage to eat at that place only once every six months, so I figure it's alright to stuff myself when I do. The movie was excellent, so glad to have seen it before it disappears off the big screen forever. Was great talking with Ryan, too. We should try to meet up more regularly, every other week or something.

The president is in my fair city today, visiting some sort of small business, trying to hype up his shady ass tax cut. He needs to cut that shit out right now. Come on GW, our rush hour traffic is snarled enough as it is, don't add to the mess.

Looking forward to coming home tonight, chilling out, and snuggling with Erin. She's super-duper extra snuggly, the best ever.

And with that, I'm out.

then / now