in the city

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1-23-03 // 12.24 pm

winter, summer, day or night, centigrade or fahrenheit

NP: David Gray - "A New Day at Midnight"

This is turning into one of those hassled, annoying as hell types of days. Shoved my way through ridiculous traffic this morning, was basically accosted into meetings the moment I got to the office, and I have another meeting to go to this afternoon. This whole week has felt like that, now that I think about it. Work to do, but it's been hard to get to it since there have been so many other meeting, training, etc. obligations.

And on top of that, I'm still tired. I dunno if it's the weather or what, but this entire week I've not been able to really catch up. Yes, it is officially cold outside. Today's high is supposed to be something like 8 F. Overnight low of around -3 F. That's insane. This morning when I went outside to start the cars, it actually hurt to breathe in the air. With the snow and everything coming down last night during rush hour, it took me an hour and a half to get home. That's three times as long as it usually does. For a good period of time, I just sat in my car on the interstate, not moving at all.

That's another thing about this stupid weather -- it kind of traps you indoors. I want to get out and take some walks, I feel like I'm getting all sludgy and fat being cooped up like this.

Alright, enough complaining. Nothing I can do about it all, anyway. At least the weekend's almost here.

So yes. Last night we had dinner at Erin's grandparents', which was nice. Though at one point, her grandma brought out the meatloaf, and right as we were all about to dig in, someone says "hey, this is still way pink in the middle!" So it was nuked for a bit before we could chow down in earnest. We also went to the library (Erin got mostly folk tale related things, while I snagged Nick Hornby's soccer memoir "Fever Pitch", and a few elusive Bill Bryson books), and then to Famous-Barr so Erin could get a new pair of gloves. I was probably less than ideal company, as for whatever reason I was really out of it last night, at least physically. My head was all cloudy and my body was just fatigued, you know? It sucked.

I don't mean to come off as being in a bad mood today, because I'm not. I'm actually in a very good mood, and if I wasn't at work today, I'd be joking and generally being lighthearted. Like I said, I'm just a bit tired and am more than ready to get out of here for a while.

Oh man, Erin is incredible. Just have to say it. She's smart and witty, sweet and funny, and absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Can't stop thinking about her, to be honest. Couldn't take my eyes off her when we were shopping last night. Mmm...Erin. Anyway, she's where I'd much rather be at the moment.

A quick look at the clock tells me it's time to get some work done before meeting hell. Hope all is well with everyone else out there.

then / now