in the city

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1-22-04 // 8.07 am

straight to (training) hell

Day three of three in corporate training hell. I'm so sick of flow charts, hierarchical diagrams, and the instructor's annoying voice. Though at least my superiors have approved my taking tomorrow off, which I plan to use wisely by heading out to buy Blues tickets for my dad & myself, to take lots and lots of pictures downtown, and to go out to lunch on the Loop with Erin before she has to go to work. Word up.

The guy in the cube across from mine is hacking up a lung. Seriously. He's been coughing like mad for ten minutes or so.

Speaking of coughing, I hope Erin feels better soon. She's wasn't doing too well last night. I know there's not much I can do aside from trying not to be a pain & applying my tea making skills, but I do hope that between school and work she's able to stay stress free enough to recover.

I can't wait for January to be over. January always just feels like the worst month of the entire year. I'm certain it can be chalked up to the fact that it's always so cold and dark, and that it's about as deep into winter as you can get. But still. I want it to be spring, I want sitting in the living room with Erin, looking out the big windows at monsoon rains and lightning, feeling thunder shake the building.

Now I'm supposed to head to the conference room for the training. I don't want to go, I really, really don't. But I will, and I will drink coffee, and I will continue to pick random words out of the course manual and see how many other words I can make out of it.

then / now