in the city

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1-24-04 // 12.20 pm

the fortunes of heaven in diamonds and gold

NP: Springsteen - "Tunnel Of Love"

Watching Chelsea/Birmingham City on mute while I dry off from the shower and attempt to stop the bleeding from the nick on my chin I gave myself shaving. See, this is what happens when I use a brand new razor on less than two days' stubble.

I think I'm going to head out in a bit to take pictures. Might hop on the metro to downtown and the riverfront. Regardless, there's an ice storm forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so I need to get outside while I can.

My "pay" check from jury duty arrived the other day, so tonight Erin and I are going to head out and eat an expensive, very tasty Japanese dinner. I'm very much looking forward to it, both for the meal and for a nice relaxed night out together. Anyway, I basically plan to just say "bring sushi and beer and keep it coming".

It's very tempting to just stay parked here on the couch all day, but the sunshine and brisk air are calling me.

then / now