in the city

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1-24-03 // 10.10 am

spend your nights here, we'll always be up late

NP: Howie Day - "Australia"

This really is a completely magnificent LP. The melodies are very insidious -- kind of snakey in that they tend to creep up on you. But then I've always appreciated subtlety like that in music. Kind of reminds me of Paul Simon's work, not so much in sound, but in the songcraft, like how there are so many brilliant little details, like the way a verse merges into a chorus, or the way a lyric is phrased.

OK, with that bit of geekery out of the way, on to more pressing matters. Run, don't walk, over to here right now. You'll thank me later. And after you go there, point your browsers here to shed a little bit of light on it all. Yes, that was cryptic, but you'll be glad I preserved the surprise.

Still far below freezing outside, but it's alright. I'm in a very good mood today, feeling good, the whole nine yards. So yes. It's Friday, which is a good thing. The weekend is almost here. Looking forward to coming home and having lots of fun with Erin.

Busy at work, though it's a manageable kind of busy. Lots of writing documents, revisions, doing odds and ends for people, jumping around a bit. I feel very productive, in general. Work is getting done, bills and other general administrative type stuff is taken care of. Yes.

There is apparently a "Super Bowl chilli cook-off" here in my office later today. Er, OK. Though the practical upshot of this is that I get to eat actual food for lunch for once, instead of a packet of tuna fish, or some pretzels.

Erin is flying to Kansas City next weekend to visit a friend. I'm going to miss her tons, but I think we'll both have fun. I'll probably spend the weekend puttering about, listening to records (that's vinyl -- time to plug the turntable back in), watching movies that haven't been watched in ages, having a few beers, taking some walks, maybe meeting up with both Ryans for a bit. Should be good. I never like having to go to bed alone, but I'll manage for two nights. And of course, it'll be brilliant when she returns.

Just realized that I forgot to shave this morning. Hate when that happens. It's been a good couple of days at this point, I think. I'm starting to get fairly prickly.

OK, I must be moving along now, time to draft a new version of those installation instructions. See, even having to do something as boring as that isn't knocking me out of this good mood. Rock on.

then / now