in the city

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1-25-04 // 9.38 am

the last horizon I can see are filled with bars and factories

NP: Gin Blossoms - "New Miserable Experience"

Went out yesterday and took lots of pictures, it was great. I managed to get out in the (relatively) warmest part of the day, which happened to coincide with the period of the day before all of the thick gray clouds rolled in. I got some blue and some of those milky skies I love so much in the winter. Anyway, yes -- pictures.

Sushi was excellent, we went to Seki on the Loop, partly because it's close and partly because we'd actually never eaten there before. In any case, I ordered this big sushi dinner (chef's choice -- I was hoping for no tentacles, anything else goes, though) and had a couple of beers. Excellent atmosphere, too -- it was great to be able to enjoy a conversation with Erin and not be drowned out by music or shouting people in one corner of the dining area. I don't know what they put in the fish or the rice, but whatever it is interacted perfectly with the mild beer buzz to create quite the feeling of inner harmony.

Today, there is ice. Loads of ice, I can hear it coming down against the side of the building, it sounds like someone's repeatedly throwing little pebbles. The windows are totally coated, it's like looking out through endless frosted shower stalls. So glad that this is happening on a Sunday not a Monday. Though if it's still treacherous tomorrow, I'm calling work and telling them no way I'm coming in. I have a 28 mile drive each way -- that's a lot when the interstates are skating rinks.

Erin and I are going to have a Spam cook-off, Iron Chef style. I even wrote it up on the whiteboard in the kitchen in katakana (supamu batoru? Peter?). In any case, fear my spam curry -- though I think Erin is plotting to kick my ass with a spam/eggplant/mustard sauce parmesan sort of thing. Either way, word up.

then / now