in the city

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1-26-04 // 12.18 pm

no thanks to the grindstone

NP: Uncle Tupelo - "March 16-20 1992"

Off work today, the air force base where our customer is located is down to essential personnel only today and my site manager approved an inclement weather day off for everyone who wanted/needed to use it. So I'm right here on the couch, catching up on the UT remasters and drinking coffee. It's nice, because let's face it, I would rather do anything than go outside today.

As reliable as the setting and rising of the sun is the near-daily ritual of Erin not leaving enough time to get ready for work/school and then the subsequent freaking out going "I'm going to be late!" I'm sure she'll give me a good glare for this, but it cracks me up. Of course, my suggestion of starting to get ready earlier usually is/will also be met with a glare. Damn, do I love her. (and that is said in earnest, not in sarcasm...just so you it's not taken the wrong way. I sometimes find it tough to express emphasis and tone online)

I have a cat on me. It's a great source of amusement to me that it doesn't matter to her what I'm doing -- if she wants to sit on me or nudge me for attention, she will. Typing and anything else will have to wait, or at least be severely hampered.

I should get up to shower and shave. Not that I need to, but I should at least pretend like I'm not going to be a lazy ass today.

then / now