in the city

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1-29-03 // 11.14 am

return to hear your wonderous stories

NP: Yes - "Going for the One"

I have so far managed to listen to two songs from the upcoming Matt Good solo album. Weapon is already up (in video form) on the official site, and I was able to snag In A World Called Catastrophe off of the Nation of Cool forums. Though whomever encoded the thing from the radio broadcast did so in the SWF format. It's a freakin' shockwave file, how dumb. I mean, it plays in my web browser, but it's horribly inconvenient. Yeah, I know, listen to me -- I'm bitching about the quality of bootleg pre-release songs. How lame. In any case, the songs are very, very good. Shame that I have to wait a little over a month now for the whole album. Not to mention that I'll have to order the thing from Canada, as the large part of the USA that's not up against the Great White North is mostly Matt Good-unaware.

Yesterday felt like spring. The temperatures were fairly warm -- I was even able to take a bit of a walk around lunchtime. I really didn't even need a coat in the afternoon. The sky was gray with thick, low clouds. But not the uniform, slate colored ones that hang around in winter. They were the billowy, dark gray, close-to-the-ground type that you see in spring.

Had a very boring meeting a little while ago. It ate up an hour of the day, but it was pretty pointless. Otherwise, not that much doing at work today, to be honest.

I'm a bit tired for some reason. Not sure why, as I got like 7 hours of sleep last night. Maybe it's the weather. Or not. Who knows?

I keep getting sort of hungry, but then the feeling passes. Like right now, I feel like I could eat a horse. But I'll bet in about ten minutes it sort of passes, and I'll end up eating a small lunch like I do most days.

Ergh. I know this is a boring entry, and I'd like to write more and better words, but for some reason, this is all that's coming out today. Blah.

At least the work day is almost half over. That's a very good thing.

then / now