in the city

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1-31-03 // 1.13 pm

you say your sleep is naked and your dreams are clothed

NP: Deacon Blue - "Raintown"

Friday at last. I'm ready for this week to be over, not so much because it's been tough, but because it's been brief periods of things to do interspersed with lots of down time, or at least time filled by me doing lots of random, trivial assignments. Work weeks like this one are weird.

My stomach was acting up this morning. Ever since I woke up, it was all acidic feeling. I felt fairly bad in general, but the burning was terrible. I took some antacids and laid off the coffee, in an attempt to make things better. Regardless if it was that, or just time, I'm now doing much better. Thankfully.

Erin's leaving this evening to go to visit her friend in Kansas City. I'm still not sure what my specific plans are for the weekend. Though I'm going to meet up with Ryan S at some point on Saturday night, which rules. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll listen to records, read, take walks, drink some beer, watch movies, etc.

Went to the mall last night. Specifically, we went to the newly renovated one in west county. It's fancy, and kind of expensive, and it's a bit of a drive out from where we're at, actually (several malls are much closer), but you see, this mall has the best food court in the entire known universe. Seriously. Erin ate freshly cooked quesadillas, and I had curry (a huge plate of tikka masala) and a bottle of beer. Curry and allcohol at the mall! It was brilliant. Erin got her paycheck that afternoon, so we shopped for a bit after eating. She ended up getting some accessories and this maroon dress/skirt type combo that she looks totally hot in.

Got permission from my manager to leave a few hours early today, which rules. I think tonight Erin and I are going to grab some dinner before I take her to the airport. I know we both get tired after a long day at work, and that it's not financially feasible to eat out a lot, but I really, really enjoy going out to dinner like that and having a "date", you know?

Anyway, yes. Less than an hour and I am out of here. Later gators.

then / now