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2-4-04 // 11.11 am

lose yourself when you linger long

NP: Crowded House - "Temple Of Low Men"

I have work I should be doing today, but instead I'm choosing to slack off and listen to this album about three times on repeat. I'm sure I'll end up doing some of the work this afternoon, but mostly likely I'll just play catch-up tomorrow.

The iPod is acting up once more. It functioned properly for like a day before returning to the "won't boot up"/exclmation point triangle mode of non-operation. Need to take it back to the Apple store. Need to write Apple corporate a letter asking why they manufacture such expensive pieces of garbage.

While at the civic center thing last night, I discovered that they have an entire pool/gym/weights/game room thing. How I've lived here for a year and a half and never noticed it before is beyond me. Anyway, there's an annual fee to be able to use it, but I think I'm going to sign up. It's about a 1.6 mile round trip walk from the apartment to the center, and I figured I'd also do some stair machine/treadmill/track running once I arrived. Plus weights. I want very badly to start lifting again. Back in college when I was actually going to the gym every single day, I had actual upper body muscles. Muscles! I very badly want to get back there, both to definition and to a lower weight. I realize this all makes me sound very vain, but I assure you, I'm more interested in this as a health matter, as well as in a "personal discipline" way.

Does it make me an asshole to reply to things my family emails me with a link to the Snopes page verifiying it as bunk? It makes me feel like an asshole, though I'd rather point out the bullshitness of a forward and hopefully stop it's spread rather than just hit delete. How trivial of a thing to think about...

Not to keep harping on about the weather, but another reason I'm looking foward to spring and summer is that it'll return to being easy to get out and take pictures. The last few months at least, I have to wait for a day that I'm off that also features weather suitable for being outside all afternoon. In the summer, there are more suitable weather days, plus there are evenings in which to head out. Winter time is dark and cold and not condusive to exploration. Oh well, I'll just keep adding to my desktop list of things to photograph.

There are a lot of people named Mike. Have you noticed this? I suppose it's not really news, the name "Michael" has come in near the top of the baby name list for years and years and years. But still, Mike. I'm Mike. But so are about a zillion other people. In grade school there were always at least two other Mikes in my class. In college, there were two other Mikes in my group of friends, one of which lived like three doors down from my room. I like my name, though, it's a good solid name. I could be named Marvin or have one of those names that just can't be made into a nickname or one that seems like a nickname but isn't (e.g. Randy).

Two cups of coffee so far this morning, and I think I'll be going back for a third. I probably have the heart rate of a hummingbird right now.

There's this thing in the break room here at work, it's made by Ginsu and it looks like a vehicle out of "Blade Runner" or a robot head or maybe a alien helment. Apparently it's actually a bagel slicer. Which is actually really cool. This incredible specialization of appliances is both amazing and unsettling. For example, my aunt gave me a quesadilla maker for Christmas. It works really well, it makes quesadillas and Erin and myself eat them. But at the same time, it's a quesadilla maker, you know? It worries me that this appliance specialization trend will eventually reach the point where you'll need a separate piece of equipment to cook each separate dish in existence. Or maybe not.

Tom Waits singing 'Downtown Train' just might match up with The Blue Nile's "Hats" as far as "soundtrack for a rain slick Saturday night" goes. I just realized this the other day, it's apropos of nothing.

I just got an urge to watch an entire season of "The Simpsons".

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