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2-5-04 // 11.04 am

begs the moon to disappear

NP: Freedy Johnston - "This Perfect World"

This is one of those albums that's just excellent straight through -- it's amazingly consistent in both songwriting quality and mood. I suppose our universe is littered with underrated singer-songwriters, but it never fails to amaze me how relatively unknown he is. Hrm. But yeah, I like Johnston because he's not pretentious, but he doesn't dumb things down, either. He uses simple language to be very evocative, if that makes sense. His songs draw you into little sketches of worlds. Scenes from unwritten films or little moments that resonate with little moments from your own life. 'Bad Reputation' is easily one of my favorite songs ever. I can vividly picture Johnston standing on a stage with just an acoustic guitar and an old microphone, singing 'I Can Hear The Laughs', looking and sounding very, very tired and human. It's very easy for me to spew out words about music, but in this case, I'm trying to really make it count. I often think the world gets tired of listening me go on and on and on about music.

Today the world is filled with slush and ice and dirt. No issue getting to the office this morning, which was surprising. There's supposed to be freezing drizzle and more ice just in time for the drive home. I love having to deal with conditions condusive to having a tractor trailer run you off the road.

There is much data to mine today and there are many queries to run. I'm testing the effect an across-the-board upgrade to Netscape 7.1 will have on our system, and it's steady work but kind of boring. At least now I can get on with my testing -- I spent the first hour and a half of this morning trying to get through to the admin help desk to get my account reset. At some point my account had become 'deactivated'. Thanks for that. But yes, on and on I go, it's query time.

Played cards last night, it was a good time, plenty of multiplayer chaos, goofy voices, movie quotes and wheel-and-deal trading. Drank a few beers, that sort of thing.

Erin is planning a Grammies party for Sunday night which should be a lot of fun. I actually don't really care about the Grammies, I've always been more interested in the Oscars, but it'll be cool to have a bunch of people over, it's been a while since we've thrown a party or large gathering.

Lots more coffee this morning. I know I should probably cut back on the caffeine, but I can't help it this time of year.

I am very happy, very content with life at the moment. Stress level isn't too high, I think my moments of idiocy are being minimized, and the icing on the cake? I have a weird coffee mug with a triceratops on. You can't go wrong there.

then / now