in the city

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2-7-04 // 3.13 pm

it was the magna carta in this part of town

NP: random iTunes stuff

Had a nice snuggle with Erin this morning, then went to eat Einstein's bagels before she had to go to work. Very nice stuff.

I was messing around in Euclid Records in Webster earlier this afternoon when the following exchange took place:
Random Guy: "Excuse me, do you have a bathroom I can use?"
Me: "Umm...I don't work here."
Random Guy: "Oh! Well, you look like you do."
Me: "That's because I haven't showered yet today."

I was just wearing tennis shoes, khaki slacks & a hooded sweatshirt. Maybe it was the combination of the attire, the fact that I was carrying CDs (and had just come from the listening station behind the counter area) and my matted, messed-up unshowered hair that did it. Either way, it was funny, kind of like I was wearing hipster camoflauge or something.

I am, however, now showered and exercised and am getting ready to settle in to a leisurely afternoon of listening to music and maybe doing a bit of reading. Who knows?

then / now