in the city

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2-19-03 // 11.27 am


NP: Live - "Throwing Copper"

Hurry up and wait. That's my situation today. I've written some documentation so far this morning, but otherwise, I sort of have to wait for my project's tester to get his stuff in order, run his part of the testing, and then we can get through the government-witnessed testing and finally be rid of this thing. But yeah, right now I'm just sitting here drinking coffee. I almost don't know what to do with myself, considering how completely insane the past four work days have been.

I feel really bad about it, too. I mean, I keep coming home late, and when I do, I'm really tired. I mean, there's not much I can do about overtime and having to work these emergency releases, but still. A few of my coworkers were laughing this morning, thinking it funny that their wives were mad at them for being at work so much lately. I dunno, that just seems sad to me. I feel bad and guilty about my recent weird schedule, not amused. But then, I don't seem to have grown the cynical, sarcastic skin that some of the people around me here have.

Today there are children in the office. They're 7th graders from local junior highs, here for some deal my company is involved with where kids do these engineering projects -- I think this one has something to do with building a structure that will hold marbles six inches off a surface. Materials "cost" a certain amount, "funding" was limited, and the team that made the structure that held the most marbles won. Pretty cool, actually. But yeah, there's school buses parked outside, and junior high kids and their handlers all over the place.

It's been raining ever since yesterday evening. It's been melting the snow and flushing away all of the salt on the roads. It's very nice, actually, like it's cleaning the city. Clouds and fog meant that downtown was obscured in a big mass of billowing gray. It was interesting, like driving through some sort of post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Waiting, waiting, waiting. And now it's lunchtime, so I'm off to scrounge up something to eat.

then / now