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2-20-03 // 10.29 am

if you should go skating on the thin ice of modern life

NP: Pink Floyd - "The Wall"

Not my favorite Floyd album, but the only one I currently have at work.

What a strange world we inhabit when keeping a blog can make you into some type of offline quasi-celebrity.

Finished the emergency release yesterday. Thankfully. Three days to do what is normally about a week, week-and-a-half turnaround (if not longer) is extremely straining. At this point I am very much looking forward to crashing this weekend. I need some time to simply slow down for a bit.

Ordered some pizza and wings last night from this new place, after they stuck fliers with coupons in every door in my building. Placed an order for delivery, waited, got the food, at which point the delivery guy says "wow, I didn't think we delivered all the way out here". I wanted to say, "what, you mean like a mile and a half from the restaurant?" I secretly wished I could take back the check I'd pre-written with a $3 tip.

My mother keeps calling in the evening, asking me questions about her computer. I mean, she's barely computer literate -- she can send email, surf the web a bit, use Word, etc. But when it comes to anything (and I mean anything) going wrong, I get a call. Spent like 45 minutes on the phone trying to figure out some sort of .dll error she was seeing at startup. And of course, she's been having issues with her ISP, which also brings a flurry of emails and calls. At this point I should get a paycheck for tech support. But really, it's OK, she's my mom and all. But it's just kind of tiring to sit there walking her through stuff after being at work for like 11 hours or whatever. Yeah, OK, I'll shut up now. I'd say fixing a computer is a good tradeoff for the whole giving birth to me thing.

Ooh, my coworker/friend/across-the-walkway cube guy Rob has had a brilliant idea. Since we've already logged 40+ hours for the week, we should try to take tomorrow off. I'm currently awaiting word back from my manager. Fingers crossed, eh? It'd rock.

There's fog out this morning, which apparently combined with just-cold-enough temperatures last night to leave this flash-freeze layer of frost/ice all over everything. Granted, I had to scrape off the cars this morning, but otherwise, it's left everything looking amazing, all crystalline and shimmering. Cool.

There's a coffee cup sitting at one of the vacant desks in the lab here that appears to have been there for months. Inside, a great civilization seems to be rising. I suppose that'd be a weird claim to fame -- discoverer of a new coffee-cup remnants-based life form. In any case, I'm reluctant to take the thing to the break room and wash it out, as I don't want to destroy any mini-ecosystem in the making.

My own coffee cup at the moment is one of those white styrofoam, far-too-small-to-be-of-any-real-use, Corporate Standard Issue cups. I'm not sure what the rationale behind these things is, to be honest. If the idea is to force us into consuming less coffee by making the receptacle smaller, it's not working. It just makes you have to make more trips to the coffee machine. If anything, it hinders productivity. But hey, whatever.

And of course, my cup is now empty. Which means I'm off in search of more of the demon brew. Later gators.

then / now