in the city

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2-15-03 // 9.58 am

don�t you dare imply that it's grim up north

NP: Pet Shop Boys - "Disco 3"

There was "Disco" in 1986 to coincide with "Please", it sucked. There was "Disco 2" in 1994 to coincide with "Very". It also sucked. So now there's a third installment, and it's brilliant. Why? Because for one thing, half of it is brand new songs, and the other half are actually good remixes/reworkings of existing good songs.

Work has been pure insanity this week. Seriously. First there was my "intermediate review" with my manager, which always makes me a nervrous wreck. Going on at the same time was lots of overtime, tons of emergency meetings and fixes, that sort of thing. The cause of said insanity? George W. fucking Bush, that's who. Allow me to explain. The company I work for does contract work for the US military -- cargo and passenger tracking type stuff. In any case, for the past few weeks, Bush has been busy sending troops and other shit to the Persian Gulf, which in turn has tripled the amount of data flowing through the tracking system we created and maintain. (not to blow my own horn, but this thing is insanely complicated) So now our Air Force "customer" is pissy because they have a backlog of data, waiting to get processed. We've been trying to explain that when you triple the amount of data going through an already overworked system, there's going to be a slowdown. That's not even mentioning the fact that they currently have far more users than the original specs allowed for. But regardless, this week we've been having to try to figure out ways to alleviate some of the backlog. In some cases, there's not much we could do, but in other places we made recommendations on how to speed it all up a bit. But, yeah. GW Bush can die and go to hell. All of the warmongering and unilateralism is bad enough, but now he's waging "pre-emptive war" and making my job an ultra bitch? Grrrr.

Thankfully, I did manage to escape work at a normal time yesterday, and avoided having to come in over the weekend. Which is very nice. Erin and I had a good Valentine's Day evening. I picked up some takeout Greek (the self-proclaimed "best gyros in the city", and hummus/pita), we exchanged gifts (Erin got me a new CD Walkman to replace my seven year old one which recently died. It was an amazingly thoughtful gift, it's exactly what I wanted/needed), then sat around and drank some wine/beer, snuggled, etc. Watched part of a "Men Behaving Badly" marathon on BBC USA. Went to bed kind of early, but Erin was exhausted, and I was a bit tired, too.

Today we're going for dim sum at noon, then Erin has to go in to work for a few hours. Otherwise, I think it's just relaxation planned for the weekend. Which is just fine by me.

Now there is coffee to be consumed, and gray, rainy skies to appreciate, so I am out of here.

then / now