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2-19-05 // 11.14 am

she could swallow a lie like she's drinking a flagon of beer

So the Finn Brothers show was last night! I got down to the Loop around 5.30, having absolutely no idea how many people were going to show up for the acoustic in-store set they were doing at Vintage Vinyl. When I got there, it was modestly crowded, but not so packed that I couldn't maneuver my way to a spot about 10 feet from the Finns' microphones. I spent the half hour before the start of the set keeping an eye out for Steve and perusing the "B" racks I was crammed up against. Hey, it allowed me to find a used copy of the Blackfield album, so it's all good. Steve called close to start time to say he couldn't make it, which sucked, but I took some pictures for him. Oh yeah, how about I forgot my digital camera at home -- d'oh! 10 feet away from the Finns and I forget my camera. I did have my phonecam on me, so I snapped the best pics I could with that. Here's one:

Neil & Tim Finn @ Vintage Vinyl, 2.18.05

Anyway, the guys came out a few minutes after six, they had a couple of microphones set up in the jazz section at the back of the store. Tim had a stocking cap on and they both looked really haggard, which was explained when Neil mentioned that they've been sick with the flu on this tour. Which make sense, the flu is totally going around right now. Anyway, they were extremely gracious, cracked jokes, told a few stories and played three songs:

Won't Give In
Angels Heap
Four Seasons In One Day

Only three songs, but hey, it was free and they were sick & saving their energy for the paid show. I was hoping I'd hear Angels Heap at some point during the night, and I was fulfilled right off the bat! The brothers sounded fantastic, flu and all -- these guys don't need anything besides two guitars and those harmonies. Oh man. After the set, they stuck around to sign autographs for a while. Keeping with the theme of the day, I forgot to bring anything they could sign! Still, I was way up front and easily got to the front of the signing line, so I stayed in it. I ended up just saying hi to Neil and Tim and getting my picture taken with them, which sadly didn't turn out, thanks to a combination of the shitty camera phone and the guy who I had take the picture being an idiot. But regardless, I got to meet (however briefly) two of my musical heroes! How often does that happen, especially in your favorite record store in the world?? Later on, after making a few CD purchases, I noticed people prying promo flats and posters off the wall in the entrance area, so I snagged one, too. I noticed the autograph line was still going, so I got back in it, thinking I'd get the poster signed. The line wound on, and the tour manager woman ended the signing session as I got to the table. The guy in front of me was the last person. But oh well, not too big of a deal, and I shouldn't be greedy.

I had some time to kill before heading down to the Pageant, so I hunted around for a bite to eat. I ended up getting this mind-blowingly good beef noodle soup with red chili paste from that Chinese stall in the little building with Racanelli's and the fish market in it. The bowl was huge, way more than I could finish. So with a full belly, I set off down the road for the main show.

Doors were at 7 o'clock, I think, and I ended up getting to the Pageant around 7.15. Tons of time to kill, I kind of wished I'd gone to do something else for a little while longer, but I really wanted to stake out a good spot for the concert. So I got a pint of Newcastle from the bar and settled in at a seat at the ledge that overlooks the main general admission area, but is in front of the encircling standing gen. admin. corral. When going to a concert by yourself, a ledge is essential. Before it closed, the Galaxy had the best ledges. The Pageant's aren't bad either. But yeah, if you can't find a ledge you at least need an alcove or a railing. So I was early enough to be able to select a spot that had a clear sight line all the way down through the other terraced areas and past the pit all the way to the stage. So I waited, I waited, I messed around with my phone and had a second beer. An announcer came over the PA to say that Bic Runga had to leave the tour due to a family emergency, so there wouldn't be an opening act. While I was rather curious to hear some of her music, I was also happy that the Finns would come on earlier. More waiting, more watching people filter in (the Pageant ended up being at about 3/5 capacity, not too bad), before finally the brothers came on stage around 8.30.

You could tell they were still a bit under the weather, especially Neil who wasn't quite hitting the high notes he normally can, but they soldiered on nonetheless. The energy picked up even more about halfway through the main set, I think they just needed to get in a groove. The band setup was very sparse -- just Neil on guitar, Tim on another guitar and also with a bass drum set up near his feet to kick on some songs, and a third guitarist/bass player. Most acts would need more instrumentation than that to make as big of a racket as the Finns did, it was great! For as straight-laced and meticulous as they come across on record, in concert they really stretch out and play. Many songs got improv jams thrown into the middle or end sections, or Neil would start elaborate call-and-response sessions with the audience. And there were more stories and more was a very intimate show, and you could tell that despite being ill and on the road, the Finns were having a great time playing together again.

As for the setlist, see for yourself:

Weather With You
Won't Give In
Four Seasons In One Day
Six Months In A Leaky Boat
It's Only Natural
Fall At Your Feet
Suffer Never
Kiss The Road of Rarotonga (!?!)
Nobody Takes Me Seriously
Edible Flowers
Anything Can Happen
Four Seasons In One Day
Nothing Wrong With You
- some song that was apparently a cover of a tune written by Paul Hester's brother - (??)
Disembodied Voices
Distant Sun

Angels Heap
I Got You

That's about right, anyway, I'm sure I messed up the running order somewhat. And I know there were a few more songs in there, especially Split Enz ones, I just can't remember which other ones -- chalk it up to a combination of beer and being least familiar with the Enz out of all the Finn projects. But yeah, they opened with Weather With You! And I got to hear Angels Heap for the second time in the evening! Plus they played Distant Sun! Talk about surprises, I wouldn't never expected them to play it considering it was written/recorded after Tim was out of Crowded House again. But oh man, the harmonies he added to it made it that much more brilliant. I could've done with some more material from the first Finn Brothers album, but that's a minor complaint at best. Great show guys, great show.

then / now