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3-8-04 // 2.38 pm

save your hollow breath, feast your tired eyes

NP: IQ - "Forever Live"

Whew, I just got off the phone with the Illinois Department of Revenue. There's been this ongoing deal where they claim I never sent them a copy of my W-2 for last year's taxes. I very clearly remember doing this, but hey, I'm not the bureaucracy. Anyway, Illinois says they never got my W-2 and that because of this, I owe them a large chunk of back taxes. I talked to someone at the DoR about this several months ago and they said that all I needed to do was to send in a copy of the old W-2 and all will be well. Of course, I didn't have an extra copy at home so I had to request one through my work's megalithic HR bureaucracy. Apparently, it was pre-tax season for them as they informed me they couldn't process back requests until at least the end of February. I was recently able to put in the request (finally!), but my work being what it is, it's taking some time. Anyway, long story short, I had to call the DoR again about another "reminder" letter they sent. At first I kept getting some private line within the state Attorney General's office in Chicago. It was manned by an effeminate sounding guy who kept telling me "this line is internal, it's not for public citizens". Eventually I got through to the proper department & profusely explained that no I'm not a tax cheat, I'm just waiting on the corporation to pump out those back documents. The lady at the DoR was actually very nice and understanding about the whole thing and noted that I was going to send the W-2 in as soon as possible. What an ordeal.

Had a very nice weekend. I was absolutely exhausted Friday night and ended up going to bed at something ridiculouslike 10.45 in the evening. I slept for ten and a half hours, too, which is very uncharacteristic. I got in another nine hours Saturday night, leading to a rather refreshed me. Went for a long walk on Saturday & took a bunch of pictures. Ate fried chicken and okra (mmm...okra) for dinner once Erin got off work. Didn't do a damn thing on Sunday, save for laundry that couldn't wait another day. Erin later cooked burgers for dinner (HP sauce on waffle-cut fries is a divinely inspired combination), I played some FIFA, and we spent the rest of the day just chilling out and enjoying a lazy day in each other's company. Very nice.

Back to work today, which is never fun, but at least it's looking to be a somewhat more quiet and normal week than last week. I'm taking a flex time day off Friday, meaning I'll be working at least 10 hour days the rest of the week, but even that's OK. Cheap tacos tonight since the Blues scored five goals for the first time in what feels like a geologic age. And come on, to top it all off, it's sliver week. Rock over London, rock over Chicago.

then / now