in the city

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3-10-02 // 10.59 am

the day is wide open

NP: Waterboys - "Dream Harder"

Looked out the window a bit ago -- it's a crisp, cool day out. One of those days that just look like they were meant to play host to big things, fun things, incredible things.

I can't wait to see her today. And I know I'm going to want to see her all day tomorrow when I'm stuck at work. And the day after that, and so on... I think it's funny and cute how she says she worries about saying the right things, doing the right things, far as I'm concerned, she does everything right. I guess I know how she feels, though -- I worry that I'm just going to say something monumentally stupid or dorky. But I try not to worry about that too much, I just try to be me. So far it hasn't seemed to hurt. Which I think is wonderful. She's wonderful. As I told a friend the other day, she makes me smile all of the time. I just can't stop.

And with that, it's time to take a shower and face the day. It's going to be a great one.

then / now