in the city

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3-14-04 // 2.22 pm

never turn your back on it again

NP: Matt Good - "Avalanche"

Did my federal taxes the other day and found out that instead of getting money back like last year, this year I owe an additional $80 to what I already paid out of my wages. Thanks, George.

We got new upstairs neighbors a few weeks ago. Recently, they got a puppy. This is a clear violation of the apartment rules -- no pets allowed save for existing tenants like us who had pet leases and were therefore grandfathered in. Anyway, these people have a puppy, which whines and yelps and barks constantly. Half the time it sounds like they've locked it in a bathroom -- I can hear it skittering around and crying. Aside from the fact that it's a ridiculous nuisance, I feel really terrible for the puppy. There's just no way a dog should be kept in an apartment, especially just locked in a tiny room.

Erin and I had lunch at her family's today, it was nice. I ate sandwiches and drank coffee & we all sat around the kitchen table and talked. It was nice.

It's a gorgeously sunny, cool afternoon. I think I'm off to take a long walk while there are still some rays to soak up.

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