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3-18-03 // 11.32 am

count the headlights on the highway

NP: Ben Folds - "Ben Folds Live"

Can we please cut it out with the covers of Tiny Dancer already? I mean, it's a brilliant song, I've always absolutely loved it. But it seems to be everywhere these days.

So I watched the president's address last night and it alternately made me want to yell and puke. Seriously. He set this 48 hour "go into exile or else" ultimatum which he obviously knew Hussein and his family wouldn't go for. He spent a good deal of his speech equating Hussein and Iraq with al Qaeda, as well as with "unspecified terrorist entities", which I'm sorry, continues to sound like so much total bullshit. I'm still waiting for that proof that Hussein and company are in with Osama. So now Bush is going to plunge us into war without UN backing, with large amounts of domestic opposition, all before the weapons inspectors had a chance to finish their jobs. I dunno, I suppose if you're hell bent on war, you're going to get on with it regardless of outside factors. In any case, going to war right now isn't just wrong, it's going to do far more harm in the long run than any short term benefit of having Hussein out of the picture. We may "liberate" the Iraqi people, they may hate Hussein, but at the same time, they don't want us coming in and bombing the hell out of what little infrastructure remains after a decade of crippling sanctions. Because I have a feeling that despite any assurances that we will not affect civilians or civilian targets, we're going to mistake more than a few hospitals or schools for radar installations. But in any case, I suppose I'll shut up now about all this, as I've said my piece (and more). I don't know what else to say.

Oh, get this! Our houseguest from hell is gone! Yeah. We came home last night after having dinner at Erin's grandparents' to find his car gone, him gone, and all his stuff out of the apartment. All that remained was 11 cents on the desk, a plastic bag full of random trash, and a note saying "I've left since some things have changed, thanks for everything". I had no idea what was going on -- I figured either he decided just to pack up and stay somewhere else, or that his job sent him away from St. Louis on no notice. Well, after calling his cell phone and leaving a message, he eventually called back. It turns out he left because he was "uncomfortable with a few things" staying with us. I asked what in particular, and he said that it was because Erin had said his wife was acting like a bitch on the phone. Which she was! His wife is a total harpy. But in any case, Erin only even said she was being bitchy because he described this fight they were having and she was being irrational. He even went on to call his wife a "cunt" (shudder...I hate that word). So I'm not sure what his deal is. But apparently he's staying somewhere downtown with a friend from work, and that he went to some sort of pro wrestling thing. Which basically says it all. In any case, he is gone, and our apartment is free once more! It felt so liberating. And he wasn't here this morning -- the house was nice and quiet and normal, and...yeah. Good stuff. I mean, I don't wish the guy any personal harm, I just wanted him out of our home after the way he had behaved.

I managed to snag tomorrow off, in addition to Thursday. So this is shaping up to be a good rest of the week. Idlewild is tomorrow night, I'm meeting up with Ryan S for lunch on Thursday, Zwan is on Saturday, and we're having brunch with my parents and grandparents on Sunday. In general, it should just be a nice combo of things going on and just chilling out.

People who aren't in the military yet continue to sport a buzz cut well into adulthood really creep me out. I'm not sure why, but it just seems off.

Alright, well I think it's time to grab a quick bite of lunch, and then perhaps take a short walk, assuming I can dodge the raindrops.

then / now