in the city

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3-17-04 // 2.28 pm

the baboon, the baboon, the baboon

NP: New Radicals - "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too"

Was exhausted last night, I think I just feel asleep with Erin reading next to me and the lights still on. All I know is that I got a halfway normal night's sleep (solid if not as long as I'd have liked) for the first time in days. The upstairs neighbors were still at it, but for some reason they started later than usual. In any case, I'm feeling much better today, though I do have a bit of a headache.

I solved a mystery at work earlier today which made me happy.

St. Patrick's Day weirds me out. I realize the USA was home to a large number of Irish immigrants and the current population's heritage will reflect that, but surely all of these people aren't of Irish descent. I think that the real attraction just has to do with the fact that it's a holiday sort of based around drinking and acting obnoxious, and loads of people want in on that. I saw a hilarious picture on CNN's website this morning of some Japanese guy in Tokyo wearing a leprechaun hat and flashing a peace sign. Though maybe he's an Irish-Japanese. Or maybe he's a leprechaun.

I sometimes feel like I'm subverting the system when I fill one of those iTunes contest cups at 7-11 with Coke instead of Pepsi. How sad is that?

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